Almadraba wild red tuna shops

Sale of Almadraba Wild Red Tuna in pieces, fresh in season and deep frozen at -60º all year long.

Salted fish, preserves, and everything you need to prepare cooked or Japanese recipes (sashimi, tataki, or tartar) with Gadira tuna.


We offer online sales and physical stores in Barbate and Conil.

Industrial site shop

. Polígono Industrial el Olivar, avenida de Los Marineros, s/n. Barbate

. 956 435 839

Tienda Barbate

Shop in the center of Barbate

. Avda. Andalucía, 6

. 956 433 394

Tienda en el centro de Barbate

Shop in Conil

. Calle Catadores 11

. 956 441 591

Teinda de Conil